Orcas and Mobulas at its best!

This crew worked so hard to find us everything!!! Great mobulas first day!! we wanted to see orcas! big stuff!! we found 4 whales, Fin. 2 Blues, 1 unknown… no word in the neighborhood on any Orcas, so sad.
Last day, found more mobulas! then late breakfast they said we have news of something special… off we went at 1030am
ORCAS!!!!!!! OMG,,,, a big family of about 10! We spent all day with them!!! about 10-15b jumps we all got to see and photograph these amazing giant swimming pandas!!! gorgeous!!! they were moving.,we followed! happy happy happy wonderful last day of this trip!!! Outstanding crew who got us in perfect position for us!!! serious phots all happy!!! amazing day!!!!!!!!!!!!! yahooooooooooooooooooooooo! thank you all Gallant Lady crew for making it so wonderful


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