NUS at anchor in Latitude 18 46.5 North Longitude 110° 54.5 West. Cabo Pearce, Socorro Island, good weather condition cloudy day, wind N 4-6 kts, air Temperature 24°C, sea state at the anchor area calm and outside 1-2 ft.
We had a good day of diving, conditions in the water were regular visibility 10 mtrs, temp. 21 Celsius.
In the first dive our guest saw mantas four mantas, many yellow-fin tuna everywhere, a big school of bonitos, and many reef fish.
On the second dive much better mantas all time with the divers, 4 mantas, and some hammerhead sharks, and dolphins, The tuna continue everywhere in the lava finger, but still cold water.
Yesterday we did a third dive in Punta Tosca and we had a good manta dive again, and we went to the navy base for inspection and everything was fine, guests are very happy.