Amazing diving at Socorro and a blue whale sighting!!

This is my last week in Revillagigedo for the season, and it was epic! We started the trip with a enormous blue whale during the sailing to San Benedicto, it stayed around the vessel for a while and all the guests and crew was super happy!!! Then we had amazing dives and a pot of false killer whales hanging around in Roca Partida, there were hundreds!! Later in Cabo Pearce we had a freaking amazing show of a couple of dolphins hunting a school of bonitos!!!! And to close the week in El Boiler, we had another intimate show of a white tips mating!!! Such an epic dive week and such a beautiful season, I can’t wait for the next season and the new adventures to come!!!!!

– Mariana, Dive Guide

This has been one of the most magical experiences of my life. The diving was out of this world we saw sharks, dolphins, mantas, turtles, so much marine life. The crew was phenomenal. Their main focus was that we were safe at all times and having a good time.

– Valeria, Guest

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