Captain’s Noon Reports – Belle Amie – 2024-07-30

HI all.

Today the Belle arrived to San Pedro Martir at 10am after smooth overnight run from Coronados. We are starting dive number 3 right now and all have been very good here today. Water temp 28C, viz 15m, current moderate.

Lots of fish, sealions, black coral, the usual for here at spm. Yesterday at Coronados was not so great. Despite lots of life the water was cold and the viz very low so guests were not that happy with the diving.

On our first day of diving at las animas the diving was excellent though, with most divers seeing a school of 15 hammerheads, including the snorkelers getting a view of them passing under, as well as a mola mola.

We’ll do a night dive here at spm tonight, stay anchored for the night and do 4 more dives here tomorrow before heading to Bahia de la for whale sharks on our last day.

Guests and crew are doing ok.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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