Captain’s Noon Reports – Under Sea – 2024-07-31

NUS Sailing at 26°57.1N-111°38.3W,en route to Bahia de los Angeles and looking for whales on the way north. The sky is partly cloudy, air temperature 88°F, wind blowing from the southeast at 15 knots and swell of 3 ft from the same direction.

This morning very early we found several groups of Pilot Whales around San Ildefonso Island and some groups cooperated very well with the guests. Everyone was happy.

Yesterday during the afternoon dives at Las Animas Island a good group of Hammerhead Sharks were seen.

The plan for tomorrow is to snorkel with Whale Sharks in Bahia de los Angeles and the day after tomorrow San Pedro Martir Island.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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