Captain’s Noon Reports – Belle Amie – 2024-08-01

Vessel is anchored NE of Isla San Pedro Martir. Weather partly cloudy, temp. 34 degrees C, sea state at anchorage calm, SSE 3ft open sea.

Dive conditions were very good – visibility 25ft and water temperature 26 degrees C. During diving guests were able to see turtles and many sea lions. they had a lot of fun with sea lions which were coming very close some even chew “taste” fins or parts of diving equipment. It was reported that some of divers saw also a lot of jellyfish.

No any serious incident was experienced with jellyfish, but some of the guests were stung on exposed part of the face and had only light burns. Guests were very happy with the dive site. Until noon were 2 dives and two more are planned for the afternoon. Vessel will sail after dinner to La Paz and U/w we’ll be looking for big animals. ETA La Paz 0700 Saturday.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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