The NGL is in San Francisquito Island, Weather has been really good, Clear sky, warm 30°C , wind is blowing from NNW 1 – 3 Kt. Water conditions around the “La Lobera del Pardito” haven’t been good. Turbid water, green but visibility is not too bad. About 3 – 4 m. gentle current going East. Water temperature 23°C.
We did 2 dives with a small group of divers because we had 4 guests that only snorkel and 6 more are divers.
The first dive was the check-up dive and guests enjoyed the dive and the snorkelling. They tested their gears and everything went fine. They could see the sea lions playing around and among them. They also could see many reef fishes close to the rocks and lots of coral.
The second dive was a little better, water cleaned a little, so the visibility improved, about 5 m. Current was the same and temperature was equal as in the first one. The guests could see the sea lions better and they were more playful. There was also more fish in the area. Later, after lunch, we are going to dive in the SE end of the island and at night, we will do a night dive.