Captain’s Noon Reports – Belle Amie – 2024-08-27

NBA anchored at Las Animas, 130 ft depth, 3 shots paid out. Weather conditions South East wind 5-8 knots, Seas 1-3 ft, sky clear, air temp 38C and humid.

Yesterday between dives the DM Eline took a young lady Lou Blondeau to a scuba discovery dive. She was so happy to interact in the same side dive as her parents. Also we finish our day with an excellent dive on the North West side of Carmen Island in the Shipwreck, where our divers saw hundreds of different types of fishes in big schools and some of them a big ones.

Today has been sunny and hot but with a light fresh breeze from the South East. Two excellent dives today so far with hammerheads on both, a school of 15-20. The usual sea lions, turtles, morays, octopus and lots of fishes. Guests are really excited to see sea lions, specially the French guests. There is good visibility around 15 mts deep but deeper than that visibility starting to drop, the water temperature on the surface 80 degrees and deeper was around 75 Degrees.

This afternoon we will continue diving in Las Animas in the sea lion colony.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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