Captain’s Noon Reports – Gallant Lady – 2024-08-30

NGL underway to Fang Ming towing Inde-2. Weather Conditions NE wind 5-6 knots, Seas 1-2 ft, sky clear and sunny, air temp 38C.

Yesterday we finished our day at Las Animas, we had 2 good afternoon dives, very playful sea lions at the sea lions cove, swinging around the divers and posing for the cameras. There were a couple of sea turtles a the usually reef fishes and eels.

This morning, we dove at El Bajo, we did two dives there, Viz was very good up to 20 mts depth, water temp. was between 19 and 25 Celsius. There was no current. Fishes and more Fishes all around. it was amazing, there were a few sea turtles as well, octopus and shellfish. Guests enjoyed it.

Now we are underway bound to Fang Ming wreck for the 3rd dive and C-59 for the last dive. The plan for tomorrow will be la Reyna and hopefully we can spot some orcas around there.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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