Belle Amie is at Reyna partly cloudy with wind up to 20kt. Sea state W 3-4ft and wind W up to 20 kt. Morning temperatures around 29°C Conditions are expected to remain choppy and windy still making favorable for diving.
Yesterday, we had excellent dives at Fang Ming and Suwanee Reef. The divers explored both the wrecks and the reef, with the group expressing great satisfaction. The conditions were ideal, providing good visibility, and everyone enjoyed the experience.
This morning, we visited El Bajo. We dropped weights with a buoy (rope was going to the seabed under sharp angle) to test the conditions, and divers Maurizio and Pascal performed a test dive. Unfortunately, the current was so strong (current about 2 -2.5kts) that they were unable to reach the rope, even with long fins. Given the challenging conditions, we decided to move on to La Reyna.
We arrived at La Reyna at 11 AM, where the NUS group was already diving. We coordinated and sent two of our groups together with the NUS divers to avoid overcrowding the site. Our remaining two groups will dive at noon. Due to the strong currents at El Bajo, guests initially wanted to dive on arrival, but we had to divide the dives into smaller groups to ensure the site was not overwhelmed.
So far, the trip continues to offer exciting dives despite some bad conditions at El Bajo. The decision to split into smaller groups at La Reyna allowed us to keep the dives organized and enjoyable for everyone. We look forward to the afternoon dives and more underwater adventures.
Both crew and guests are in excellent spirits.