Captain’s Noon Reports – Gallant Lady – 2024-10-04

Good afternoon, everyone,

NGL at anchor at Espiritu Santo Northeast point. 60 ft depth 3 shots out. Weather Conditions Light SE, Calm seas, Clear and sunny sky, air temp 36C.

Yesterday it was a great day at Las Animas, great calm weather, great viz underwater and great dives, the plus, finish the day with a taco night under the stars.

Afternoon dives at Las Animas were great as the dives in the morning. Third dive was in the east side cave, where they were be able to see hammerheads again, one group of divers saw the same school of hammers, but other divers could saw a couple of them. a few sea lions and lot of fish.

Last dive was on the corralito where many many sea lions were in the water relaxing with their fins out. Our guests loved it.

We departed last night after dinner to Espiritu Santo. We anchor this morning on the North East point of Espiritu Santo near Los Islotes as it was too windy in the morning to go to El Bajo. At anchorage was really calm.

We did first two dives in Los Islotes, It was really nice with all the sea lions pups playing around some nudibranchs and other fishes. Current was strong coming from the East, making a challenging dive for some divers. Water temp was 29C and viz was good 15 mts.

First dive we were alone, the whole Islotes just for us, but on second dive there were 8 pangas with divers. We are currently in third dive and we will go to Fang Ming for last dive. Tomorrow we will be at La Reyna for last diving day.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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