Captain’s Noon Reports – Belle Amie – 2025-01-11

Hi everyone! Nautilus Belle Amie here anchor at San Benedicto “El Boiler” over 120ft of water and 3 shots under it, we heave the anchor very early in the morning from Canyon where we spent a very calm night, we stayed here because in Socorro there are so many boats and we would barely do 3 dives and the sun is coming down so early we didn’t want to take that risk.

The last two dives of yesterday were good, specially the last one, the guests commented me that it was the best of the day due to the diversity of species they saw down there, huge hammerheads, silkys, white and silver tips, mantas and a lot of reef fish at the same spot.

We have made 2 dives today, and everything is going so well, there is other boat here with us Solmar V, we are first here, the clients enjoyed playing with a lot of Mantas during both dives and in the second one most of them could appreciate school of hammerheads!

The vis is about 50 ft and the water temperature 23 Celsius, no current at all but a little bit of swell, winds of 8-10 kts and waves of 4-6 ft long are coming from the NW.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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