Captain’s Noon Reports – Explorer – 2025-01-11

NEX at anchor at Cabo Pearce 98 ft depth 2.5 shots out. Nice Weather: 8-10 kts N wind, Seas 1 ft in the bay, 2-3 ft off the point. Clear skies with some clouds 2/8. Air temp 22 C.

Yesterday after Punta Tosca, we went to navy check in, which was quick and smooth as there were more boats coming for check in. After that we moved to Cabo Pearce and dropped anchor to have a smooth evening.

Started diving early today at 0700 hrs, first dive was ok, quiet generally, no mantas a couple of silkies some reef fishes, not much. Viz was around 10-15 mts and water temp 24C. There was a light current to South.

Second dive, everything got better, Sun was up in the sky, and underwater action was great as there was a bait ball of bonitos with some yellowfin tunas and sharks around them, silvertips and silkies, one Galapagos shark were around the barbell.

There was a dolphin as well going through the bait ball and that came closer to our divers to say hi. They could saw also one chevron manta at the cleaning station. Much better dive. We have two more dives to go today here at Cabo Pearce, after that we will depart to Roca Partida, to try to get first there as i have known that Solmar, Rocio and Quino will try to go there tomorrow.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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