Anchored in 80FT, two shots paid out, today we are in Cabo Pearce, Group leader and I had a talk last night and we decided to do Pearce again, so here we are.
Today we are in a different planet if you compare the weather, today is nice and calm, light 8kts NW winds, almost flat seas inside and outside, clear skies for the most part, divers say visibility is getting better with every dive, now averaging 50Ft, water temperature is 76F, air temperature today is 72F. little current running to the south east.
Is a beautiful day diver enjoying Socorro, Jason the group leader is been giving some lectures about marine life and all divers enjoy the talks and crew joined in to learn some more.
Today we are only two boats in the dive site so we are getting four good dives in, Cabo Pearce is been pretty good for the two morning dives, mantas and dolphins have been the stars, some said they saw couple of hammerheads, white tip reef shark is around but guests stopped talking about them on day two, octopus and other reef fish keep guests entertained.