NEX at anchor at The Canyon 45 ft depth 2 shots out. Weather: 10-12 kts N wind, 1-2 ft seas. Clear sky. Air temp 22 C.
Arrived last night to San Benedicto Between Fondeadero and Canyon. There were two sailing boats here at anchor. This morning, we started diving at 7, first dive at Fondeadero for check dive, there were some dolphins around, 2 groups of divers could saw them, 1 manta a single hammerhead, guests liked the first dive.
From the skiffs we could saw 2 humpback whales, a mother and her calf, passing near the Canyon and Fondeadero, like half mile away, to SW direction.
Second dive we did at the canyon, It was a great dive, there is a school of 30ish hammerheads near the cleaning station, Galapagos, silvertips, blacktips, a lot of sharks today. One of the groups saw one manta. Water conditions viz 20mts, temp 23C and no current.
We are planning to do two more dives here at the Canyon, and then move to the Boiler after dinner for dive tomorrow there.
Yesterday afternoon we got a visit of a huge pod of dolphins, hundreds, were swimming and breaching on the bow and sides of the boat, it was so incredible.