NGL Searching for Blue Whales in 25 33.1N-111 05.4W, N of Agua Verde, Loreto Area. Clear sky, air temperature 64F, very good weather after having very strong winds the past 5 days, now with a nice southwest breeze of 5 knots and 1ft swell from the same direction.
This morning at dawn the traditional encounters with the dolphins and it didn’t take long to start seeing the whale blows in the distance, but they disappeared quickly and after two hours the encounters with some Blue and Humpback whales put on a good show on the surface for a while.
At the end a Blue Whale stayed near the RHIB, which the guests enjoyed very much.
We also had the support of the Plane, which gave us very good directions to have good encounters with the whales.
The plan is to search in the afternoon in the Agua Verde area up to the Isla San Jose channel and try to arrive at La Paz at 0830 hrs tomorrow.