Captain’s Noon Reports – Under Sea – 2025-01-25

NUS at anchor in El Boiler area, San Benedicto Island, weather conditions are good wind NE 4-6 kts, air temp. 23 Celsius, sea state 1-2 ft, sunny day.

In our first dive (check dive) was good-regular in the Fondeadero guests are happy, regular visibility around 10-11 mtrs and temp into the water 22 Celsius.

They saw some white tips, many reef fish and a lot of bonitos. The second dive was much better in the boiler, visibility 15-17 mtrs. Temp. 22 Celsius and they saw three mantas all time close to the divers, some hammerhead shark just passing by, one Galapagos shark and many reef fish.

Our guests are very happy.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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