Captain’s Noon Reports – Belle Amie – 2025-01-26

Good day! NBA anchorage at San Benedicto Island “El Boiler” over 120 ft depth with 3 shots in the water, no boats around, the weather conditions are great today, 8-10 kt NW winds, and 2-3 ft NW waves, air temperature 23° Celsius.

We arrived to the Island very early today and started our day with a check dive at Fondeadero. Our divers did it good with their buoyancy and equipment, after that, they enjoyed breakfast and we moved to Boiler for the second dive of the day.

Both dives were good, in the first one even being a check dive they saw a couple of white tips, reef fish and some mantas around, the second one was way better vis 80 ft, no current, water temperature 22° C, there were a lot of playful mantas at the same time, hammerheads, Galapagos and white tips around the rock.

Our guests came out so happy, now they will enjoy lunch and we have 2 dives left, we will heave the anchor and head up to Roca Partida after dinner.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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