Captain’s Noon Reports – Belle Amie – 2025-01-27

Hello everyone, NBA reporting from Roca Partida anchored with 250 ft depth, 5 shots in the water, sky 6/8, Air temperature 23° Celsius, very windy day 15-20 kts NW winds, 3-5 NW swell, no boats around, the rock just for us.

We arrived early in the morning and started our dives at 0700 hrs. Whales are around the rock but there are no views of them underwater, even so good dives here so far, dolphins, mantas, white tips, silver tips, and a lot of reef fish around the rock, guests are amazed with the dive site.

The water temperature is 22° C a light current from the N, and visibility about 20 meters, wind is raising up but nothing to worry about.

We have 2 dives left and then heading up to Socorro Island for tomorrow.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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