NEX at anchor at Cabo Pearce 90 ft depth 2 shots out. Weather: 14-19 kts N wind, 2-4 ft seas on the dive site, 2-3 ft in the bay. Partly cloudy sky. Air temp 22 C. Sharing the site with Solmar V and Sail boat Fly Away.
Yesterday afternoon at Roca Partida, we did one more dive, which for one of the groups was amazing as they could saw a humpback whale while diving, the whale was 10-15 close to them, they were very excited and very happy. The other groups they didn’t saw the whale but they had a great dive too with mantas and sharks.
We arrived at midnight to Cabo Pearce, and today we started diving first. We have had two dives so far, which they were great.
First dive 3 dolphins passed by just for a few minutes, only two groups were able to see them, but there were 5-6 mantas all the dive and all divers enjoyed their show. Some single hammerheads that passed in the distance. Second dive was more of the same, Mantas sharks, and a big school of bonitos.
Water conditions, Temperature 23C, viz 20-25 mts and a moderate current from north to South. We are planning to do one more dive here and then go to navy base for check in. After check in we will depart to San Benedicto to the Canyon.