Captain’s Noon Reports – Belle Amie – 2025-01-28

Hi everyone! NBA anchorage at Punta Tosca, 120 ft depth and 3 shots in the water, the day is beautiful, partly cloudy sky 3/8, 15-20 kts NW winds, 2-3 ft NW swell, no boats around.

We arrived to the dive site around 0200 hrs and started our dives at 0700, we have done 2 so far, and its getting better during the day, the second dive the divers interacted with a lot of playful mantas that stayed with them the whole dive, some Galapagos and white tips around, and huge lobsters on the beautiful reef, no current at all.

Visibility is about 50 ft and water temperature 23°Celsius, guests are enjoying lunch now and we have one more dive left. After the 3rd dive we will head up to navy base for our navy inspection and continue our sail to Cabo Pearce before dinner for enjoy a good anchored night.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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