NEX is at anchor in the bay north of Fondeadero at 40 ft depth, 2.5 shots out. Wind is strong northerly 20kts and gusting, sky overcast, air (and eyes and mouths and boat) full of ash from the volcano, air temp 22C.
Been an entertaining morning watching boats anchor then blow away then reset their anchor. NEX anchor holding strong.
First dive viz was still great 20-25 mts, and it was the best dive of the trip! Sharks, mantas and dolphins. Lot of sharks in the cleaning station, silkies, Galapagos, silvertips, but the main event was a school of 30-40 hammerheads that were passing around, which somehow one of group of divers was surrounded.
After that 4 dolphins joined the party, ending with a big chevron manta coming from the deep and stopped just where the divers were. All of them came out really excited and super happy saying it was the best dive so far, even our Dive guides were saying the same. We currently are on second dive.
Water temp 23C and no current, but lot of wind in surface. there are white caps in the bay. Today is our last day of diving and we’ll depart tonight after dinner taking our time with the weather tonight so we can get back to Cabo in time for planned arrival on Thursday morning.