Captain’s Noon Reports – Gallant Lady – 2025-01-28

NGL Searching for Blue Whales in Agua Verde-Loreto Area, the sky is partly cloudy, air temperature 60F, this morning no wind but after a few hours it started to blow a 15 knot West wind and 3ft waves, in the Anchorage Zone without waves.

During this morning’s search we had encounters with at least 5 different individuals with more than 20 sightings. All guests happy and want more in the afternoon.

Plan for tomorrow is to drop off the guests at 0730 hrs in Marina Cantamar/Pichilingue and continue with trip to Laguna San Ignacio to enjoy the Gray Whales.

After seeing Humpback Whales in Cabo San Lucas, they tried to see Whale Sharks in La Paz but most of them did not see them, but in Agua Verde they did find the Blue Whales.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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