Captain’s Noon Reports – Belle Amie – 2025-01-29

Hello everyone, Belle Amie reporting from Socorro Island, anchored with 3 shots in the water with 100ft depth, the weather conditions are considerable strong, we have sustained winds of 20 kns and gusts of 30kns, and 3-5 ft NW waves.

We started our day at 0700 we have done 2 dives, but we will be able to make 2 more, the other boats will leave after the third one.

During the first dive the guests were able to play with some dolphins and came out so happy, and in the second one they enjoyed a couple of very playful mantas and some silver tips and white tips, visibility is not very good, about 20 ft, water temperature is 22° Celsius and there is a strong current coming from N to S.

After dinner we will heave anchor and make our way over to the San Benedicto Island to finish our trip in Canyon.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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