Captain’s Noon Reports – Under Sea – 2025-01-29

NUS at anchor in El Cañon area, San Benedicto Island, weather conditions are bad wind NNE 20-22 kts, air temp. 22 Celsius, sea state 1-2 ft in anchorage area, sunny day.

In our first dive was very very good into the water regular visibility around 10-12 mtrs and temp. into the water 22 Celsius, they saw big school of hammer sharks, many Galapagos, many silver tips and white tips, big school of bonitos, and one tiger shark. The first dive there were only 7 divers, the rest stayed, some were already tired and said they would do the second one better.

The second dive was very good again visibility 10-12 mtrs. Temp. 22 Celsius they saw many hammerheads shark, some big very big Galapagos shark, two tiger shark, many silver tips and white tips, also one big manta and many reef fish.

Our guests are very happy.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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