Captain’s Noon Reports – Belle Amie – 2025-01-30

Hi everyone! NBA reporting from southside of San Benedicto Island “El Canyon” anchored with 2 shots under water over 70 ft depth. It is a sunny day with some whites around there here are strong gauze winds hitting us from NE 20/25 kn and a short swell hitting from the W 3/5 ft height.

We started our dive day at 0900 and we have done 2 dives now. Guests had the dives of their life! A couple of humpbacks crossed close to them with some dolphins around that stayed there to play with our divers, what a scene!

Besides that, they saw dozens of Hammerheads, silkys and silvertips, and the reef fish around the dive site, mind-blowing dive everyone is amused and happy.

The guest and crew are doing good, we will make 1 more dive and then enjoy cheese & wine and heave the anchor late night for start our northbound to CSL.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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