Captain’s Noon Reports – Explorer – 2025-02-01

NEX at anchor at Cabo Pearce 90 ft depth 2 shots out. Weather: 12-16 kts N wind, 2-4 ft seas on the dive site, 1-2 ft in the bay. Clear sky. Air temp 22 C. Sharing the site with Quino el Guardia and Sail boat Phase 8.

We arrived this morning directly to Cabo Pearce as there were 4 boats at the Canyon. Quino El guardian and Sailboat Phase 8 were already here.

We started with our check dive at the finger wall, just a couple of divers needed some extra weight, the rest were fine. It was a nice dive for most of divers, they saw 1 Manta some sharks, silkies, Galapagos, reef white tips and a couple single hammerheads.

One of the group was the lucky one as at their safety stop got the visit of 10 dolphins.

First dive was a mild current from north, water temp 23C and viz 15mts. Second dive was better, as there were 4-5 mantas around, and more sharks. There were dolphins again but only skiff drivers could see them as no diver could saw dolphins, but they could hear them.

This time current was a bit stronger from North, viz 12-15 mts and temperature 23C. We are 2 more dives to go this afternoon. We will depart for Punta Tosca after taco night.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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