Captain’s Noon Reports – Explorer – 2025-02-03

NEX at anchor at Roca Partida 240 ft depth 4 shots out. Weather: 8-12 kts NNE wind, 2-3 ft seas. Clear sky. Air temp 23 C.

Yesterday afternoon at Punta Tosca, we did only one afternoon dive, It was good, there were still a couple of mantas, one of the groups said they saw like 8 barracudas. After the last dive we went to Navy base for check in.

We departed after dinner to Roca Partida. This morning, we have done 2 dives so far, which have been great, French divers love Roca Partida.

First dive there were already dolphins waiting for us, every diver could saw them closely. Lot of reef whitetips sharks, silvertips, a few Galapagos sharks. 2 Mantas and school of jacks. Everyone loved the first dive. Water temp was 24C great viz 25-30 mts and very light current to the West.

Second dive was also good dive, some huge tunas around the rock, 3-4 Mantas, sharks and lot of different type of fish. Water condition was the same.

Planning to do 2 more dives and then depart to Boiler after dinner.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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