Captain’s Noon Reports – Under Sea – 2025-02-04

NUS at anchor Punta Tosca Socorro Island, good weather conditions, sunny day wind N 8-10 kts, air Temperature 23°C, sea state 1-2 ft. outside of the bay.

First dive conditions into the water were regular bad visibility 8-10 mtrs, temp. 22 Celsius our guest saw one manta just passing by and many reef fish.

On the second dive was regular, same visibility 8-10 mtrs temp. 22 Celsius, they saw three mantas, three hammerhead sharks, many reef fish.

Yesterday we did two dives in Roca were good, visibility good 22-25 mtrs. They saw mantas, silver tips, white tips and many reef fish.  There were four humpback whales near the rock, we only saw them a little far away,

Our guests are very happy.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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