A thank you.

Judith, Maryanne, and Mike,
I was aboard the Nautilus Explorer from September 3rd to the 11th on the Guadalupe white shark and San Benito charter. I would like to personally thank you for the privilege of being aboard the Nautilus Explorer and having the opportunity to experience the beauty and wonder of the underwater world once again aboard your vessel.
The diving was incredible from the great white sharks of Guadalupe island that were breaching at sunrise and cruising within an arm’s length of the cages to the seals and sea lions of San Benito!  The experience was made all the more incredible by the crew of the Nautilus Explorer who were absolutely stupendous!!!  Captain Gordon, Sten, Dan, Sandy, Pedro, Enrique, Sylvia, Eve, and Gabe were so accommodating that I began to feel guilty for their incredible services!!!!  The cuisine was prepared to perfection and couldn’t have been better!!!!!  I now have a  favorite engineer from Vancouver!!!!!!
Of course the Nautilus Explorer was the perfect platform for this incredible adventure.  She is an extremely stable vessel and I just love the layout of the boat!!!!!!!  The submersible cages and the opportunity to be on top with the divemasters is one of the most exhilarating experiences of my dive career!!!!!!!!  And the chance to do exploratory diving at San Benito with the seals and sea lions was not to be missed!!!!!!!!!
I am extremely pleased with your support of Mauricio’s great white shark research and your efforts to prevent illegal fishing in the Revillagigedos.
Thanks again for all you do!!!!!!!!!  I hope to be aboard the Nautilus Explorer again in the future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take care…..
Virgina, USA

By Nautilus Staff

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