Our first day diving at Roca Partida was excellent. Great visibility, good dives and lots of sunshine. We had dolphins on our first two dives of the day. I now believe that a dolphin who I have named Shorty because the tip of his right pectoral fin is missing, is definitely the ring leader of the whole pod. He is the first one to come visit the divers and the last one to leave. The dolphins here have a habit of hanging out deeper than the divers and trying to lure them down! If you stay at the same depth and don’t go deeper to visit them, then they realize their ploy is not working and will come up to swim around everyone, with the usual cheeky dolphin grins. Shorty is a master at this sport and once the game is up he swims past with a wicked glint in his eye, well that is my take on it anyway. Who knows what they are really thinking?! It is very unusual to see wild dolphins on dives so this type of interaction with them is truly amazing. We had happy divers all around.
There were the numerous sharks we see here which always makes for good dives too. The visibility on the dives we had for the first couple of days was not the best although we did see lots of mantas at the Boiler and everyone got the eye to eye contact with them that makes these islands such a spectacular place to see them. More dives still to do here, watch this space!! Water temp at Roca Partida 22C, at San Benedicto 24C
Belinda – Divemaster
Ein Super-Tauchtag! Haie satt und Delphine (fast) zum anfassen! Und dazwischen Wale an der Oberflaeche. Was will man mehr?