One of the joys of this trip is getting up early to watch the last of the night sky with brilliant stars and even shooting stars, and the early chat of birds on Roca Partida. Mexico.

dolphin diving mexico
Terceiro dia de mergulho! Vida muito dura Caimos quatro vezes em uma imensidao azul, repleta de vida! Golfinhos em transe, tubaroes de todos os tamanhos e tipos (galapenhos, silver, galha branca recifense, martelo) empilhados em cavernas e nadando com cavalas, atuns, xareus Para nos aliviar do trabalho duro, um passeio de barco ao redor da ilha, alguns intervalos de superficie na Jacuzzi com os cuidados e mimos da tripulacao! Para terminar bem o dia uma sessao de Yoga ao por do sol gracas ao professor Robin. Jantar com o mais novo brasileiro do barco. Jim: we love you!
Ate o final da viagem vamos declarar Revillagigedo territorio brasileiro!
Clarissa, Fabiana & Noelix, Brasil
One of the true joys of this trip is being up early on the sun deck to watch the last of the night sky with brilliant stars, shootings stars and an occasion satellite overhead. Then the early chat of the birds on Roca Partida and the dawn which eventuates into another day and drifting in the deep blue realm of our hosts!
PS: I love the Brazilians too!
Jim Smith, Maine USA
giant manta diving socorro mexico
We have had two fabulous days at Roca Partida. First of all the weather has been amazing with very little wind and lots of sunshine as well as very calm seas which is always good. Our dives yesterday had almost everything that this dive site has and started off with dolphins almost as soon as we dropped in. Some dolphins whizzed around whilst some merely hung head up, tail down and let people get very close. The other dives had lots of different sharks, schools of hammerheads, schools of Galapagos as well as Silver tips in the mix. This goes without even mentioning the white tip reef sharks that sleep stacked up on to op each other in the small overhangs on the East side ˆ sleeping seems to be their major past time! There was a vague attempt to count how many booby and frigate birds live on this rather inhospitable rock. The common consensus is about 267, more or less!! Our second day was great also with more morning dolphins as well as lots of sharks. Everyone is getting rather blasé about all this and if they have not run in to a school of hammerheads or frolicking dolphins say it was good at any other dive site elsewhere an average dive here would be rated virtually top of the best ever dive list! One more dive to do here and we are all expecting pods of dolphins swimming through schooling hammerheads with Silver tips and Galapagos sharks cruising around – why not?? It could happen!!
Belinda, Dive Master

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