Some damn good scuba diving at Roca Partida!! Too much to describe. Socorro, Mexico, 2012.

On our last stretch home we spent the last 3 days diving Roca Partida and San Benedicto! Some damn good scuba diving! Definitely lives up to its reputation. Too much to describe.
This is the time where I thought accolades for the boat, and her crew, would be appropriate. To start, this boat is awesome! CLEAN, ample room, easy dive access, great skiffs, and a nice layout. But the crew makes the ship, and this was a great team! To start, Juan Carlos put together some of the best meals Iโ€™ve ever had on the water! Gordon (our Captain) a real class act, working right along with the crew and definitely not afraid to get his hands dirty. Larry (our shipโ€™s engineer) competent, safe, and a great guy just to shoot the shit with. Carmen and Aldofo (hostess and host) made the whole trip very enjoyable! The two of them worked great together, the level of service was 5 star! Kevin (1st mate) the kind of guy who makes his presence known in actions, not words โ€“ fish on! Our dive masters Joel, Tony, and Philipp โ€“ were all spot on! Always there to help, but at the same time giving you plenty of room to hang yourself โ€“ if you so decided. And last but not least, Lauren (deck hand) never stopped the entire time out to sea! That girlโ€™s a worker!
Iโ€™ll definitely be back to have another adventure on this boat! But to all the rest of you, stay away, because Iโ€™d prefer to not have to make my reservation 2 years in advance J

By Nautilus Staff

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