Boiler was the hot spot this last week, we spent two days at the canyon and it was ok, another two days at Roca partida and it was ok, but our last two days we decided to spend them at the Boiler and boom we got to the point where we had 4 someone said 5 different Mantas just hanging out with us. They just couldn’t get enough of us and the other way around. Awesome way to finish a trip.
Air temp.- 28-30C (85-90F)
Water Tem 23C (74F)
Vis.- Around 15-20mts (45-60)Ft
We had a start at the canyon which we ended up staying for the day we had mantas on the surface so we had an hour snorkel with the mantas as the silky, and Galapagos sharks surround us which was so cool to see that for the first day. Roca partida is the shark city with more than 5 different sharks we saw the 5 main ones which were hammerheads, silkys, Galapagos, silver tips, and white tips. We also saw a huge school of 40 to 50 lb tunas. For 2 days the visibility was about 60 to 80 ft and temp. 70-73 F. Last but not least was the manta city AKA The Boiler we had 2 days of full action non stop plus dolphin and the whales singing what a way to seal the trip it was just one of those trips that you have to do and see for yourself. Anyway, I will continue to keep you posted .
DM Juan