After a very pleasant 185 nautical mile (approx 330km) crossing from Ensenada, Mexico we arrived late last night to the shark lovers paradise island of Guadalupe. Shortly after arrival we had our cages in the calm waters of the sheltered north-east bay and were ready for action at first light this morning. On our first submersible cage dive of the day at 0800 I counted at least 5 individual white sharks circling the two submersible cages. Early on they were keeping their distance, occasionally making a close pass by the cage to check out the humanoids trapped inside. As the day went on they grew bolder and we spent most of the afternoon watching them make fast approaches at us from all depths, above and below, and making tight circles around us with lots of awe-inspiring eye contact. The water was beautiful today with a clear blue 120 ft of visibility and our adopted sealion ‘Toto’ spent a good part of the day with us following, circling and generally antagonizing the whiteys! We couldn’t have asked for a better day to start the trip with and looking forward to more great shark diving tomorrow.
Captain Gordon Kipp
Diving conditions: viz 120ft (36m), water temp 72F Surface conditions: air temp 78F, sunny skies, light winds and calm seas