The Mexican Government made the first efforts to repair the damage and the very first Decree over the Guadalupe Island was published in 1922 by President Álvaro Obregón reserving the island and its surrounding waters for forestry, fishing and hunting.
Worries about the fate of the marine mammals made Federal Government leaded by President Plutarco Elías Calles to decree that any hunting and fishing at Isla Guadalupe was banned in 1928.
Now Isla Guadalupe is a Biosphere Reserve established by the Mexican Government in April 25th, 2005, by a public decree published at the Official Diary of the Federation. It is also part of the list of Marine Priority Conservation Areas as well as an Area of Importance for the Conservation of Birds.
As it is the farther northwestern territory of Mexico, in the Mexican Constitution is stated that the Island belongs to the Federal Government, so there is no private property in it. As a fun fact, the Mexican Government published an act in 1982 that states that all the inhabitants of the island should sweep the front of their shops or houses between 5:00 and 8:00 am.