I had been in a shark cage once before, years ago, in the Farallon Islands (off San Francisco). The water was not more than 60 degrees F, the visibility was less than 10 feet, and since it was a national park, the only thing the boat could do to lure any sharks was to put a fake seal made out of carpet on the surface, near the cage. Whitey did not show up that day. I had quite a different experience today.
I’ve been nuts about sharks, and Great Whites in particular, since I was a little kid. My friend Dave got a book on sharks when we were in the 1st grade and I remember we would spend hours admiring the photos, pausing on the limited number that were available at that time of Great Whites.
I spent the last week or so visualizing what today might be like because I didn’t want to be nervous. The truth is nothing can really prepare you for it. My experience was that time stopped every time I saw a Great White. It was as if I had been transported to another era, watching a giant, smiling dinosaur swimming right toward me. I couldn’t believe these animals actually existed. The fact that they were inquisitive, graceful, and seemed to look me right in the eye, was all an added bonus.
Now is the time of year when the big females are around, and we were graced by one today that was close to 20 feet long. I was in the submersible cage three times. The last dive of the day was the most impressive. At one point, we had three sharks swimming around us, as well as a large sea lion. It was as if the sea lion knew it was providing comic relief; seemingly taunting the sharks. More than one of the dive masters on board has told me that they never tire of seeing these animals. After today, I can understand why.
– Alexis Kahn
Lovely day we had on Guadalupe sunny and warm blue water make to dive all of us like today is the day. More than four different whites, one male a few times, one juvenile female very inquisitive drives us crazy of how active she was and two massive females gave us a great time since early morning till the end of the day, all the guests are so happy and can’t wait to face again the great whites sharks and catch them on the camera lens. It is just the first day of our awesome trip on board of Nautilus Explorer!!!
– DM J.J.

1 reply on “I felt as if I had been transported to another era watching a giant, smiling dinosaur swimming right towards me. I couldn't believe these animals actually existed.”
[…] 3-4 different sharks, tuna, sea lion, cage got bumped twice; I’m still beside myself. Wrote the blog for the boat and it pretty much sums it […]