Working in the shore office we get to help divers book their great white shark adventure on the Nautilus Explorer. It’s fun knowing we are helping people have an amazing experience. And after working away on bringing the Nautilus Belle Amie into the fold I have finally had the opportunity to come down to Ensenada to experience both first hand. The trip started with a visit to the Belle Amie. What a beauty! She is going to be a fantastic sister to the Nautilus Explorer and you can see the passion and love that Captain Mike is putting into her. Getting on board the Explorer and meeting all the crew that I haven’t met in person yet was great. Now I know what all of wonderful guest comments are about. The crew were all so welcoming and everyone was working away on getting the boat ready and provisioned for the next group of guests. It’s like a magical, unseen orchestra working perfectly in it’s rhythm until all of a sudden, the boat is all set and ready to go again.
Leaving the dock in Ensenada, off into the evening and open ocean there seems to be an excited quiet about the boat as everyone settles in for the journey. On the first day, Chef Enrique helps me learn my first bit of Spanish (other than how to order a beer)… el dia esta muy bonito… it’s a beautiful morning..and it definitely was. Off the bow we could see dolphins coming towards us. Dozens of them leaping out of the water and swimming along with us. Huge ones, little babies beside their mommas, others playing sideways leap frog with each other…we could hear them whistling and squeaking away. Such happy and playful creatures.
Yes, it is good to be here.