I planned 2 years for this trip. Now that I have experienced it, I would wait 5. It was more than I expected.

I have only had 1 dive so far that I have not seen a shark.  All of the other dives had sharks and multiple picture opportunities.  Sharks came within feet of the cages.  I can’t wait to bring my nephew here some day………and he’s not even 2 years old yet.
J avais reve depuis longtemps plonger parmi les grands blancs (en cage bien sur) au plus fameux spot du  monde….sur le plus fameux bateau : nautilus explorer . Je n ai pas ete decu et les superbes  requins se sont montres en posant majestueusement pour tous les photos et films desires . Ce que j ai rencontre en plus , c est un equipage ultra professionnel et serviable du capitaine au mecano en passant par les ravissantes hotesses et les super divemasters…. Mais aussi nombre de  sympathiques  passagers russes, anglais ( peut etre meme un turc ?) ou americains (meme si mes connaissances linguistiques sont tres limitees…).  Encore merci pour ce moment.
Attempt of translation: I dreamt for a long time diving among great whites ( protected in cages of course) in the most famous location in the world  and aboard the most famous ship: nautilus explorer . I was not disappointed and the beautiful sharks were here at the rendez vous ,posing with majesty for the photos and videos. What I have met  as well :a very professionnal and nice crew  , from the captain to the engineer , and from the charming maids to the awesome divemasters and also the chief. In addition , numerous of nice russian,chinese , english ( even  turkish,  I guess) and american passengers ..even if my language knowledges are not so good …. So, one more time , thanks for this journey.
FRANCOIS   ( so called francisco).

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