The Diving and the Crew Have Been Absolutely Wonderful

Today, we explored the beautiful underwater topography of Soccoro and went to a dive site with an underwater arch and small cave. When you looked close, the rock of the arch was covered with small creatures and corals and hammerhead sharks cruised around the formations. In between our dives, we were also able to take a quick tour by Zodiac to see towering rock formations along Soccoro’s coastline. The island has green, lush landscape that contrasts with its red/brown geology, creating a landscape that is absolutely breath-taking. 

The diving and the crew have been absolutely wonderful. This is my second Nautilus Liveaboards expedition and each time the onboard experience is fantastic and the wildlife is astounding. The crew really bends over backwards to make you feel welcome and always make sure you are enjoying each moment.

  • Valerie Stout, Texas onboard the Nautilus Explorer

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