The Sea of Cortez Is Truly the ‘Aquarium of the World’

This month at Nautilus we are running expedition trips for mobula rays and orcas and we are having the best time of our life exploring Cerralvo Island, Bahía de la Paz, East Cape, Frailes and other magical and isolated spots along the southern Sea of Cortez.

In the last week, we have found mega pods of thousands of dolphins, sardine bait balls, a blue whale, a group of fin whales, we have swam with hundreds of mobula rays that have been aggregating in huge schools and leaping out of the water. We’ve seen some sharks cruising the surface and a massive 12 meter whale shark and, of course, our beloved orcas! We have not only seen them swimming along but we’ve also witnessed them going after a school of mobula rays. Total gratitude to the ocean and mother nature.

For me as a dive guide, it has been a completely new and fascinating experience to be this time out of the water and instead driving the RHIB and being a spotter of marine life; observing the animals and trying to read their behavior to get our guests as close as possible to them.

It’s wonderful to spend the entire day out on the RHIB talking to our divers about the islands, about the Baja Peninsula, about marine life and conservation; sharing the joy of the divers when we get them to swim with the mobula rays or dolphins and being part of this amazing crew to take our guests on a true marine wildlife expedition.

The Sea of Cortez is truly the ‘aquarium of the world’. Every day is giving us new experiences and incredible encounters whilst scuba diving, snorkeling or from the boats.

  • Divemaster Juan onboard the Nautilus Gallant Lady

By Nautilus Crew

Recent blogs and dive reports from the crew onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard's vessels.

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