I Felt So Tiny Next to This Beautiful Creature

I had the most amazing experience on this liveaboard! The mantas are glorious and majestic and it was amazing to experience them coming so close. My favorite dive was at Roca Partida, we started swimming out away from the rock to see if we could find hammerheads (and maybe whales). We saw two hammerheads and we kept looking into the distance in case more would appear, then I see the unmistakable glowing spots off in the distance and automatically I knew it was a whale shark. The whale shark came closer and closer until we were almost right next to it. It was a magical moment being next to the whale shark and watching it glide by. I was in awe of its size, I felt so tiny next to this beautiful creature. After the whale shark passed and went off into the distance we all looked at each other and did a little dance in the water out of excitement for what we just experienced. This was my first whale shark sighting and I will remember it always.

  • Theresa Muzzillo, Tampa, Florida onboard the Nautilus Explorer

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