Location: Fondeadero
Weather: Clear Skies, N Wind (6-10kts), Calm Seas
For the first dive today we jump from the stern, diver did great, no current, and one chevron manta stayed with our divers for around 30 min on the first dive, also they could see a Galapagos shark, some stingrays, some whitetips sharks, and some silvertips.
The second dive on The Canyon with a light current to the West. Great dive at the canyon, one manta came to say hi but just stayed for a couple of minutes, a few divers could see one hammerhead in the distance, lots of Galapagos, silvertips, whitetips on the cleaning station. We will stay for the rest of the day here to dive at The Canyon, have a taco night here at anchor and sleep here to move tomorrow morning to The Boiler.
Water temperature: 74°F
Visibility: 50ft
- Captain Gilberto