We started the trip around the Loreto island’s, the first thing to note is that due to the recent rains, the bushes are flowering and everything is green! It has to be one of the most beautiful landscapes i have seen in my life. We are surrounded by flat blue water (different shades of blue) and small to big islands. The islands were formed by very ancient volcanic activities so some of them have high mountain picks and different colors.
Now let’s talk about the diving. The first few days of the trip we played with the sea lions (or rather they played with us), and we enjoyed a lot of macro. All sorts of blennies, blue spotted jawfish, nudie branches and much more…
Now we are anchored at Las Animas for the day. On the first dive we had a school of 30 hammerheads!! And they stayed a while. On the next dives we enjoyed the sea lions playfulness and some green turtles too. Tomorrow is the last day of diving and we are going to the famous site La Reina. From small to bigger animals, the sea of Cortez is full of wonders.