Blue Whales Adventure

I’m having the experience of a life time right now. I’m onboard the Gallant Lady looking for blue whales. And today I saw around 20 of them – 7 of them even before breakfast. After breakfast we went on a panga to get a closer look on those big creatures, and we were so lucky with the weather. The water was calm and the sun was shining. After the first ten minutes on the panga we saw the first blue whale. It blowed around five times before it showed its tail. We followed this whale for some hours and it kept showing its tale. We saw to or three more blue whales and a single humpback whale on the trip. After lunch we went south on the Galant Lady and saw feeding blue whales. In the afternoon some of us went for a great hike. What a day and an adventure.
The day before we saw whale sharks, sealions and humpback whales too. I jumped into the water to swim with the whale shark even though I’m afraid of water, but I felt safe around the great staff who guided me, and I got a great view of the whale shark.
So far this trip is a huge success. The staff is friendly and the food is great. High expectations for tomorrow now.

Morten Aagaard

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