First Dive Trip in Socorro

Diving Soccoro was my first dive trip on a live-abord and I was nervous as I get very motion sick. I did prepare with various different medications including the patch but being locked into an eight day trip with no way to get off gave me major anxiety. First the dive group that I booked through, was very good to me and allowed me to rent a cabin with a window above the hull with sleeping quarters in the middle of the boat. This was a huge benefit as I was not too hot and could sleep at night. Then there was the crew, who have supported me and my special needs. They let me do a short checkout dive when I could not make the first boat dive to help assess my weights. If I need to shorten a dive, they work with the other crew and teams to make sure eveyone is safe as I acent early. They are there if I need food or don´t want to eat. The crew has been forgiving and accomodating at every turn to help make this a good trip. The mantas, sharks, whales, and fish we have seen makes the trip so worth going… even with major motion sickness!


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