Real Mother Nature: Socorro

real mother nature manta encounters

What to expect to see in Socorro? Real Mother Nature at its best. We believe that with that, we easily encompass what you can witness and carry in your memory for a lifetime.

Our guests can express it much better than us (and we certainly love reading about their experiences)

The truth is, knowing that there are people truly passionate about nature and animals, and that encountering them only drives them to connect on a deeper level with life, is gratifying.

Usually we speak of being at the wrong place at the wrong moment. But in diving what may happen is quite the opposite. Being at the right place at the right time, and that, multiple times during the day.
Pretty much what happened to the blue team today but in an exponential way.

First dive at the canyon we find the hammerheads at the end of the dive. Shadows in a somewhat low visibility but always popping when and where they were not expected. Sometimes without us even noticing them. A beautiful first dive at the Canyon, enough to put a huge smile all day (and the following).

Then the second dive was a treat, a cherry on the cake we thought, just enjoy being there after having been privileged to such a show.

At the beginning of the second dive, we find a school of between 10-15 hammerheads, quite deep but coming up to us in a beautiful light. 5mn of fast and beautiful enchantment that beat our previous dive. Then, a manta and a couple Galapagos sharks for a another amazing dive. But being at the right place at the right time never stops and we were lucky to find the schooling hammerheads again at he end of the dive. But this time around 40, in shallow water and coming back and forth. Amazing dive which will leave us imperishable memories… the cherry was much bigger than the cake.

Thanks to Nautilus, thanks to our guides Juan David and Felipe, and thanks to mother nature.

Thomas Goetzke

We firmly believe that the spirit of Real Mother Nature resides in Socorro, showcasing its majestic beauty, grandeur, magnificence, and is waiting for you!

By Nautilus Staff

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