Socorro, a Place Full of History

Revillagigedo Archipelago was named after the Viceroy of New Spain (Mexico) Juan Vicente de Güemes Padilla Horcasitas y Aguayo, 2nd Count of Revillagigedo, from 1789 to 1794.
He implemented various reforms aimed at improving governance, economy, and society in New Spain during his tenure.
The Archipelago is a group of four volcanic islands.
Jacques Cousteau conducted expeditions to the archipelago in the 1970s.

Today we are in San Benedicto,Island where we have the Bárcena volcano, last erupted in 1952.The volcano is still considered active. The dives today were at El Cañón, where we saw different types of sharks. Galapagos, Hammerheads, Silver tips, White tips and Silky sharks.
Tomorrow we are diving Cabo Pearce in Socorro Island, and we will have some more facts about the place.

Pablo Dive Guide

By Nautilus Crew

Recent blogs and dive reports from the crew onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard's vessels.

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