The Most Amazing Encounter!

An unforgettable experience diving at Roca Partida today. After 30mins of seemingly just blue ocean, I swear our divemaster Marcel was having narcosis – leading the group into the middle of nowhere to see nothing. But then, the rarest and most amazing encounter changed what would be one of the worst dives into one of the best dives of the trip: Suddenly, Marcel started to gesticulate wildly and then darted into the blue. Not knowing what was going on, we followed in hot pursuit burning through whatever air we had left. And then they appeared – two humpback whales, mother and calf, gracing us with their presence for one whole minute, and gifting us with an encounter any diver would dream of.

Carlos Dive Guide

By Nautilus Crew

Recent blogs and dive reports from the crew onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard's vessels.

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