Epic Underwater Moments at Socorro

Twenty three US midwesterners met on the Nautilus Explorer in the beginning of May, for an adventure of a lifetime. After a warm greeting from the friendliest crew you can imagine, we embarked on the seas of the eastern pacific. Some had to find their sea legs (myself included), but after the first day of traveling the seas, our bodies adjusted and it felt as though we were one with the ship, one with the sea. Our bodies were saying “I don´t like this” and our minds were yelling “you need this, go with it.” Although the first day was spent adjusting to life at sea, we met the crew and each other, quickly becoming shipmates.

Reflecting back on a five day dive trip, it´s mostly a blur or epic moments under water and laughs onboard the ship. The highlights will differ for each of my shipmates, but for me, where can I start? When a Manta Ray gets curious about “you” the person, and comes in for a closer look, flying by so close its wing can touch you…when a Hammerhead shark takes a look, then another look, and then swims by for yet another look…when you find yourself drifting with the swell as though you have no choice but to become one with the ocean….I don´t have the words to describe the feelings, the emotions, and the sence of being honored to be part of it all.

They should ask a poet to come on one of these trips; they may do this type of an experience justice, for I am not even scratching the surface.

Behind it all was the crew, who worked tirelessley day and night, meeting every need, and going above and beyond the call of duty. Every meal on time, every dive on time, every departure and arrival on time, every cabin cleaned, every bed made, every day. Safety minded and professional, we began with drills for emergencies and ended with, what I hope, is life long friends.

God bless Nautilus, see you next time.

Pedram N,
Lincoln, Nebraska, USA

By Nautilus Guests

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